
Globex’s services may include but are not limited to the following offerings

  • Globex’s services may include, but are not limited to the following offerings:
  • The creation of site content, as well as the creation of submission reports
  • Acceptance of Terms

By accepting these Terms, the client thereby acknowledges their agreement with the following regarding our services:

  • All fees paid to us for services are non-refundable
  • All fees, services, and documents are and shall remain confidential
  • Globex has no control over the policies held by search engines in regard to the kinds of sites they deem acceptable, either now or in the future. This means that at any time the Client’s website may be prevented from being included in any blog, directory, search engine, or website at the discretion of the individual search engines. By accepting these Terms, the Client agrees that he understands that this may happen in the future.
  • Furthermore, Globex has no control over whether blog owners may, at any time, move or remove links and/or content on their sites. Similarly, Globex has no control over whether a website will be moved or deleted in part or in full at any time. Should this occur, any links placed on these sites will not be replaced or refunded.
  • You, the client, hereby assume all risks and damages, know or unknown, that are or may be associated with using Globex’s services.
  • We reserve the right to modify anchor text to ensure that orders are successfully executed. By contrast, we do not guarantee how any particular search term or keyword phrase will be positioned by the search engines.
  • Although we have the utmost confidence in our services, we do not guarantee traffic increases as a result of them.
  • Globex assumes no liability in the event that the Client should choose to link to or obtain a link from any website whatsoever without proper prior consultation.
  • We are not responsible for how any changes made to the website by the Client or other parties may negatively affect the rankings of the Client’s website by the search engines.


Globex reserves the right to terminate the working relationship and cancel any orders placed for websites in either illegal or unsavory industries. Any content, products, services, or items that are deemed by us to be hateful, objectionable, or defamatory to any race, gender, sexual orientation, group, individual, business, or person will be canceled and refunded back to the Client. If you are unsure whether your site violates these restrictions, please contact us. Certain categories such as adult material or those pertaining to gambling or casinos may fall outside of these restrictions, but prior contact is necessary to avoid cancellation.