
16 Advanced B2B Link Building Tactics That Will Work Wonders

Guides, Link Building
On September 22, 2022

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Link building strategies in the B2B space are constantly changing and evolving. Competition in the B2B space is fierce, and you need to do everything you can to set yourself apart from the crowd. That’s why your B2B link building strategy should focus on powerful tactics. 

We have broken B2B link building strategies into two parts: the basic ones and the advanced ones. If you’re looking to truly dominate your competition, you’ll have to work on all these tactics. 

We have started with some advanced link building techniques and then discussed some general tactics that are useful for all kinds of business including B2B.

1. Create Industry Tools

Creating relevant and useful industry tools is one of the most valuable tactics for b2b link building. These tools provide a steady stream of backlinks and will put your business on the right track. They also have an added benefit in that they require zero time investment after the initial development phase. 


One great way to utilize these tools is to publish them online so other professionals can find them and share them with their networks. This will help a lot in organic B2B link building

A good example of this type of tool would be infographics, which have become one of the most popular types of content online. You could create a practical tool such as SEO audit tools, BMI checkers, or any other tool, depending on your industry. 

Industry tool related to any recent trending topics or industry practices is what makes your company unique. 


2. Create & Publish Original Research

People often ask how to implement b2b link building that actually works. The simple answer is to remain genuine and create better content than there already is. 

Creating and publishing original research is a great way to get your name out there and stay on top of your industry. It also provides valuable content for your readers, which makes them more likely to link back. 

Source: BuzzSumo.Com


To create a great piece of content, you should: 

  • Know what you want your research to cover before you start collecting data. 
  • Make sure the title of your research is catchy so people will read it. 
  • Start by looking at Google’s search results for any topics that are related to your topic. 
  • Pay attention to how many pages Google lists and how many total links each page has in its source code, as this can indicate relevancy. 


3. Relationship-Based Link Exchange:

One of the most overlooked strategies for B2B link building is relationship-based link exchange. This strategy entails sending a request for a link to one or more bloggers who have similar audiences and content as your company. 

The blogger then has the opportunity to either accept or decline the offer. If they agree, they’ll provide you with their blog URL, write a post linking back to you, promote that post on social media, and maybe even include it in their newsletter. 

In return, you’ll do the same for them. It’s a win-win situation for both businesses. A great way to get started is by visiting the blogrolls of other sites that are related to yours. 

If you want to get the true advantages of link-building in B2B marketing, remember to avoid these link building mistakes in all cases. 


4. Create Expert Round-up Articles:

The expert round-up blog post has become an extremely popular content strategy over the past few years. To find your industry experts, you’ll have to know all the ins and outs of outreach marketing

The premise is that you write about a particular topic in which other experts were interviewed about their expertise on the subject. 

It’s basically an interview and expert opinion of industry professionals on a particular matter of interest.

In addition to B2B link building, creating a great roundup post will also help generate traffic from Google searches because more people are going to be looking for information once they find out that someone else knows more about the topic than they do. 


5. Get Interviewed on Podcasts

One of the best ways to get your content out there and drive traffic back to your site is through interviews on podcasts. But you don’t just have to go and ask a podcast host for an interview. Interviews need time and preparation. 

Plan ahead and make sure you have something new and valuable to say. Practice what you want to say, so it flows naturally, and then contact them. Start by checking out this list of popular podcasts and look for ones that are related to your industry. 

If you can’t find any relevant podcasts, use Google Trends Search to see which one has the most searches over the last 12 months. If you have more than one idea of where to start, pick a podcast that has a greater number of episodes per month. 


6. Thought Leadership 

If you want to dominate your competition and do advanced B2B link building, there’s no better way than by being an industry thought leader. Here are some strategies for getting recognized as the go-to expert in your field. 

  • Get your articles published on high-authority websites like Forbes or Entrepreneur. 
  • Give a talk at conferences (with video recording).
  • Write opinion pieces on niche blogs where they publish content from experts. 
  • Speak at live events. 


Basic B2B Link Building Tactics


7. Set the Stage with Google My Business

Many business owners are aware of the need for a business listing in Google’s My Business. Unfortunately, few have taken the time to actually create one. If you haven’t created yours yet, what are you waiting for? 

Source: WordStream.Com


This B2B link building strategy will just take a few minutes and can give a leg up on your competition. 


8. Listing in Business Directories

Backlinks have been in the top SEO trends for more than a decade, and business directories are one of the most authentic portals for B2B link building


Most numbers of backlinks for B2B companies come from business directories. So, make sure to use the same address, phone number, and business name across all the directories. Although the links from these directories are no-follow, they contribute to your overall business credibility. 


9. Check for Unlinked Mentions

Checking for unlinked mentions can be a lengthy process, but the payoff is well worth it. Using certain search operators or running a tool like Ahrefs, you’ll get an idea of how much traffic you might be missing out on if other businesses are using your brand name without linking to your website. 

If they’re linking to other brands, they will surely be getting a link back to their site. Make sure your website is there if your brand name is already mentioned. This process is overall known as link reclamation and is going to be very useful for B2B link building for SEO

Source: GoogleAlerts.Com

10. Resource Link Building

Resource link building can be a tedious task, but it is worth a shot. Resource building is the process of B2B link building on websites that feature top resources in different industries. As per SEO experts, this technique can be time taking and have a low success rate. 

There is a complete list of steps that are involved in finding resources and then requesting a link back to your website. However, for beginners, some search queries can help you search for suitable resources and request a link back. 

For example, if your business is related to marketing, your search queries may look like this:

  • marketing intitle:resources inurl:links.html
  • marketing intitle:links inurl: resources.html
  • marketing 

The image provided below contains the search results based on the first query, and that’s how to get B2B backlinks from authority resources. 

Source: Google.Com


11. Guest Posting

Guest blogging is considered the most effective link building for b2b marketers and brands. With great quality links, you’ll get visitors, social shares, and a top ranking on Google. The best way to get backlinks is to find websites that are relevant to your business and have good domain authority. 

You can also find a digital marketing company to do that toil for you. Globex, being the top-notch digital marketing agency, has a network of more than 30,000 guest blog sites and can help you build quality backlinks for your website. Just contact us and have a free consultation about your project. 


12. Link Placement

In this technique, you approach a website and ask them to place your website’s link within their existing content. Link placement is considered one of the quickest B2B link building tactics but most of the time, you have to pay other websites to provide you with a backlink. 

Now the question arises, how can you find websites and links that can actually guarantee your better rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs)? First of all, you should aim for quality instead of quantity. 

Fewer backlinks on high-quality websites are better than plenty of links on low DA websites. 


Infographic title: “High DA backlinks vs. Low DA backlinks”

A limited number of quality backlinks from high DA sites are more useful than a plethora of links from low DA websites. Design an infographic showing fewer links with High DA sites Vs. several links with Low DA sites. Design this like two items on a balance with links on high DA sites weighing more. 


13. Shareable Infographics

Shareable infographics are a great tactic for results driven B2B link building. If you have content creation skills and know what topic will resonate with your target audience, use infographics as a way of providing resources that answer their questions. 

Leveraging infographics for link building purposes is just one more strategy for acquiring more exposure, shares, and followers on social media. 

14. Content Marketing

The famous phrase “content is king” always stands true, even in the case of B2B link building. The best way to gain quality backlinks is to produce high-quality and original content. 

However, before this can happen, you need to make sure that there are clear guidelines on how the content will be created, posted, and shared across various channels like social media and blogs. 

But you won’t be just relaxing back after producing great content. Competing in a hyper-competitive marketplace requires you to go the extra mile and make continuous link-building efforts. 

Source: EcommerceTimes.Com


15. Digital PR

Digital PR is the process of using search engine optimized content, outreach marketing, and social media influencers to promote your business. 

Source: BuzzStream.Com


The first step is identifying audiences that are likely your potential customers based on interests and demographics. After identifying your audience, you will have to create some original linkable assets such as research, reports, or unique insight.  

If you want to experience the actual benefits of b2b link building, you will have to follow top-notch digital PR strategies


16. Broken Link Building

If any website has links in its content that point to pages that don’t exist, you can contact them and request that they update the link. In turn, you will suggest a URL from your website as a replacement.  

You’ll be able to use this tactic for brand management purposes, and it also increases the odds of getting more high-quality backlinks. 

You can use the tool named Check My Links to find broken links on a web page. It is a Google Chrome extension that can be added to your browser without any cost. 

All these tactics highlight how important is link building for B2B businesses. Following these strategies will help get your business seen by clients and consumers who might not otherwise know about it. 

They also help in bringing new business opportunities that can be helpful in the long run of business. 

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